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What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a simple yet effective way of reducing coarseness of the skin by removing damaged surface skin cells.  If you want a simple, effective and non invasive procedure to help improve the texture and tone of your skin then microdermabrasion may be for you. After several treatments you will notice exceptional improvements to the clarity, elasticity and feel of your skin.

Summary of treatment

  • Procedure time 30 minutes
  • Downtime usually no downtime although skin may appear red for a few hours
  • Results are usually fairly immediate. A course of 6 treatments is recommended for optimum results
  • Treatments are recommended one each month for 6 months
  • Risks and complications - mild skin irritation and localised redness which settles quickly

Exfoliating and Resurfacing

Microdermabrasion works by removing the stratum corneum (the top layer of skin). The body’s healing process quickly replaces the loss of these upper layer skin cells with new, healthy ones. This is because the procedure stimulates blood flow which delivers nutrition to the skin, improving cell production.

This treatment has become one of the most popular non-surgical skin resurfacing treatments because it can improve not only the overall appearance of your skin but a variety of annoying skin complaints. It is quick, safe and cost effective.

Microdermabrasion will leave your skin buffed, healthy and radiant.

Microdermabrasion can be used to treat the following:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Blackheads and clogged pores
  • Uneven skin tone and minor skin blemishes
  • Acne Scarring
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Dry skin
  • Excessive oil

Treatment is based on medical-grade crystals which exfoliate the top layer of skin and stimulate the underlying cells. This promotes new collagen and improves resistance to the effects of ageing. The treatment is suitable for all skin types. Results may vary.


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Consultation and assessment

Your consultation


The procedure


After treatment


Potential side effects


