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What are Thread Veins?

Thread veins, commonly called Spider Veins, tend to develop as we age. They appear as fine red, sometimes purple lines just beneath the skin. As our blood vessels become less elastic, the blood vessels can become slightly enlarged. The medical term for this is telangiectasia.

These can become quite localised to certain areas of the face such as the nose and cheeks and can be difficult to disguise with make up. On the legs, these will show up as small collections of fine red wiggly lines. These are not the same as varicose veins. Varicose veins are larger and found in the deeper layers of your skin. If you are worried about varicose veins, you should make an appointment with your GP surgery for an examination.

Although the causes of thread veins aren’t yet clear, women seem to be more prone to their development. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy and menopause have been cited as early triggers, but genetics, sunbathing, exposure to extreme weather and some medical treatments and therapies are all thought to be factors provoking thread vein appearance.

Summary of Treatment

  • Procedure time is around 30-60 minutes
  • Results are usually seen immediately
  • Downtime: Skin can be red and feel warm immediately following treatment. In most cases the redness settles within a day depending on skin type.
  • Duration: The blood vessels treated are usually obliterated and do not return
  • Mild risk including localised redness and possible risk of bleeding spots.

Is Thermavein™ suitable for me?

Small veins that we start noticing on our legs are not uncommon. But for some of us, they are more noticeable and we can feel more self-conscious when swimming or going out bare legged. But we treat these unsightly veins easily and painlessly, with no downtime and help you to reduce the potential for more problems with them later on.

At Cosmedica we can safely and effectively treat and destroy thread veins using the latest technology, Thermavein™. Medical advice reports that left untreated, thread veins can increase in both size and number. When the thread veins are still very small, they are easier and less complex to treat. Thermavein™ is suitable if you have thread veins, spider naevi, red blemishes of rosacea, spider veins or other telangiectasia blemishes. All of these lesions may cause appearances that impact on our self-confidence and esteem. Treatment in our clinic is rapid with minimal downtime and no significant side effects so you can get back to work, life or holiday in no time. Our friendly cosmedical team will talk to you about the treatment and explain how it is delivered and its outcomes with you fully.

We like the Thermavein™ sytem and find it has excellent results for our clients. Thermavein™ is a thermo-coagulation treatment designed to eradicate red veins, thread veins, red spots and spider naevi. It works by delivering a very high frequency pulse of energy which seals the thread vein walls, obliterating the vein so that it is no longer visible. It works by delivering a very high frequency pulse of energy which seals the thread vein walls, obliterating the vein so that it is no longer visible.

To help prevent more thread veins appearing we recommend regular activity, a good diet, avoid putting on excess weight and try not to stand regularly for very long periods of time. These efforts will help the heart push blood around your body and help circulation. Results may vary.



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