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What are Anti-Wrinkle Injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are one of the most common cosmetic treatments. The injections are targeted to areas on the face where lines have become deeper over time. At Cosmedica we use the brand Botox® (botulinum toxin) to reduce the appearance of lines on the forehead and around the eyes (otherwise known as laughter lines or crow’s feet). With the years of smiling, laughing and concentrating, creases form on our face which eventually form wrinkles. The treatment works by relaxing those muscles that cause the skin to crease, evening out the wrinkle and giving a smoother, younger appearance.

Summary of Botox® treatment

  • Procedure time 30 minutes approximately
  • Downtime usually none but there may be some bruising and redness immediately after the procedure
  • Results usually visible within 7-14 days
  • Duration of results is usually 10-14 weeks
  • Risks and complications are rare minor and include redness and bruising, asymmetry and movement of eye brows, drooping eye lid or infection

Other conditions we can treat with Botox®

Botox® injections are now routinely and very successfully used for a variety of cosmetic and medical conditions and is proven to be effective in the prevention of the formation of lines as well as the softening and smoothing  of existing lines around the eyes and forehead.

With our advanced treatment options, we use Botox® for  Bunny Lines, Chin smoothing, as well as Lower and Upper Face wrinkles.

Our experienced and highly trained medical team provide Botox treatment for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) with excellent results as well as migraines, after consultation with Dr Kieron and with due regard to recomended guidelines.

Is Botulinum toxin (Botox®) suitable for me:

Botox® is not suitable for everyone, and you should not have Botox injections if you:

  • Have an infection at the planned site of the injection.
  • Are currently pregnant or feel that you may be pregnant.
  • Have allergies to the ingredients found in botulinum toxin.
  • If you have a condition that affects your nerves or muscles such as MS.
  • If you are currently breastfeeding or pregnant

You should take care when having botulinum treatment:

  • If you have a disorder that increases your risk of bleeding; for example, haemophilia.
  • If you have a history of swallowing difficulties (dysphagia).
  • If you have chronic breathing difficulties.
  • If you have epilepsy.
  • If you have had eye surgery.

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used in combination with dermal fillers to give you the ultimate facial rejuvenation results. Results may vary.


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